
Social Media & E-mail

Betterview is the property intelligence and risk management platform helping insurance companies improve and modernize their workflows.

Design visual assets for social media and e-mail campaigns

Adobe Illustrator Adobe PhotoshopHubSpot CMS

  • Collaborate with social media and campaign managers on scope and reach
  • Visuals may be leveraged for other touchpoints such as collateral or landing pages
  • Source or create compelling imagery

Stripsteak 1 E-mail
Stripsteak 2 E-mail

Penthouse E-mail
Libertine E-mail

E-mail concepts for after-conference events

Social Blog1
Social Blog2

Social Blog5
Social Blog4

Social Blog3
Social Blog6

Social banners for blog posts

Social Campaign1
Social Campaign2

Social Campaign3
Social Campaign4

Social Campaign5
Social Campaign6

Social banners for campaigns

LinkedIn Cover 1

LinkedIn Cover 2

Cover banners for LinkedIn

©2023 Carlos-Gil Tuzon